Kelvin Young
Kelvin Young is a certified sound healer. He is also a person in sustained recovery; he hasn’t used alcohol or any other drug to cope with his mental and emotional distress since March 6, 2009. Kelvin has presented around the country in diverse settings, including yoga studios, retreat centers, conferences, high schools, colleges, prisons, addiction treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, and mental health agencies. Kelvin is the co-founder of Toivo, a DMHAS funded, recovery-focused, holistic healing center in Hartford, CT. He was inducted into the Connecticut Hall of Change in September, 2020, a group that recognizes formerly incarcerated men and women who have made substantial contributions to Connecticut communities since their release. Kelvin was also featured in a powerful documentary on trauma, addiction and recovery called “Uprooting Addiction” and is the co- author of “Find Your Voice, Save Your Life 4: Transcendent Men, Real Stories.” He is passionate about holding space for people to heal and is known for his warm, loving and down-to-earth way of connecting with people.
Learn more at https://kelvinbyoung.com/