Online: Sunday Meditation and Study Group

Open Dates

Date and Time Details: Every Sunday 9:00 AM - 11:15 AM ET Come for all or any part

Location: Online



A perfect opportunity to study and practice in community, this free Sunday program is open to all who are interested. We discuss a specific Buddhist text and related topics in depth; we may pursue a single text over the course of a year or more. Then, we practice sitting meditation and a compassion practice designed to nurture inner strength and help us grow spiritually.

You may attend any or all parts of the program, as your time and interest permit. The program is free and open to all; you wil receive the Zoom link upon registration.



Sunday 9-10 AM ET
Study group with a senior student of Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche

Our current book is:
Ornament of Precious Liberation by Gampopa. We will primarily use the text Jewel Ornament of Liberation (Snow Lion) translated by Khenpo Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche, and will incorporate other texts into the teachings as appropriate.

Sunday 10-11:15 AM ET
Chenrezig sadhana with long life prayers and aspiration prayers

  • Avalokiteshvara Sadhana (read by Colin or Suzy with recordings of the Tibetan with Khenchen Rinpoche)
  • H.E. Trungram Gyalwa Rinpoche Long Life Prayer 
  • Swift Rebirth of Khenchen Rinpoche Prayer
  • Mahamudra Aspiration Prayer by Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
Throughout the program, all texts scroll onscreen in English and phonetic Tibetan; images of the relevant deities and teachers are displayed, making it very easy to follow.
Participants are invited to keep their camera on and remain muted throughout the meditation.

Sunday Meditation is sponsored by our affiliate, the Dharmakaya Organization. 





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